Teleki castle

According to a record from 1763, in the first half of the XVIII. century was built up the stone church of the village, in front with a wooden tower with two bells. In 1828 the ecclesiastical records tell us, that it is built up the new stone tower with shingle roof. The celebrated castle of thevillage, after all signs was built up during the rule of Maria Terezia, and in 1821 the Baroque building is already restored. In 1845 the 25 years old Teleki Sandor, the later revolutionary colonel and writer takes over the direction of the estate Koltó.

The young count, as the captain of Kovár undertakes important role in the political life of ‘Szatmar’ country. In 1846-47 as a quest of the count, there was three times the famous poet of the age, Petofi Sándor. Out of these visits, the most remarkable is the visit between 9-th September and 19-th October 1847 when the young poet together with his wife Szendrey Juliana spends here the happiest days of his life, the honeymoon, while he enriches the Hungarian lyrical poetry with 28 new poems. The most of these poems were written under the famous cornel tree, on the stone table. The lord of the castle first as commissioner, later as the first intendant of general Bem Jozsef, participates at the revolutionary war of independence in 1848-49 after the fall of this, he lives in exile ( Paris, Jersey, Guernesey Island, Italy ). In Itlay he marries Litez Tivervald Matild, the girl of a French general, after this he returns in Kolto, where he restores the abandoned castle and estate. According to his will (testament ), the deceased Teleki Sándort in 1892 is buried under the cornel tree, who his last years spent in Nagybanya ( Baia Mare ) Later in 1936, on the wish of his descendants, the mortal remains of the colonel Teleki are buried in the cemetery of the village ).

The last count owner of the estate of Kolto, leaves the village for ever togetherwith his family in the last years of 1930. The rooms of the castle quarter for refugees, when for seaat of the farmer’s cooperativ, cultural house, medical consulting room, nursery. In 1960, in one room of the baroque building is estabilished the Petofi’s memorial room, which one until the second half the years 1980, grows into a museum, that fills a whole floor. In 1970 is built the large cultural house of the village, later is started the asphalting of the roads, which is still in progress.

In 1998 takes place the inauguration of the double sculpture of Petofi Sándor & Szendrey Juliana, ( the work of art of sculptor Pogány Gábor Beno ), and in 1999 is ready the memorial, for the war dead in the world war I & II.