Coltau – Historical Backlooking

The first written mention about the settlement is from 1405. The name at that time was Kolcho, Lower Kolcho, since 1414 it is Koltho the name of the settlement.

Its origin probably is in connection with ‘koho’ = foundry, otherwise the founders of the settlement after the sign were coal burners.

Also the coal trace containing cavities are confirming this, that one can find at the boundary of the village. After 1549 the village is mentioned in the documents as a part of domain of Kovár, and in 1553 we can read about the settlement as the estate of Dragffy.

After some suppositions at this time is built the first reformed church of the village, which was burnt down in 1658. In the year 1662 Kemeny Simon, the son of Kemeny Janos the transilvanian reignng price, appoints Teleki Mihaly as the captain of Kovár, who was the wealth founder of the famous aristocrat family. After his death the new owner of the estate was II. Teleki Mihály.

In 2000 is delivered to its function the modern, multifunctional house of the reformed church. Until the beginning of the third millenium takes place the supply of the village with natural gas, with cable television and telephone.